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Countries With The Most Beautiful Women

Some of you may have read my article on cities with the most beautiful women, this however is about the countries with the most beautiful women. It's always possible to find a city with beautiful women in a land of not-so-amazingly beautiful women. These places on the other hand, are entire countries with beautiful women.

7. Ukraine

The Black Sea coast of the Ukraine is world famous for gorgeous girls in scantily clad bathing suits. And rightly so, but more so than that the entire country is filled to the brims with beautiful women. From Odessa to Kiev, the Ukraine beauty.

 6. Belarus
It's often been said that Eastern Europe is the valley of beautiful women, & in that context Belarus is one of the more fertile spots. Sure the country may be drab, dreary, & socialist architecture reigns supreme, but the women are to die for. They manage to turn this country from extremely boring, to a place you never want to leave.

 5. Latvia
Where I sit as of the time I write this article. Latvia is just wondrous. This little Baltic nation, such a small country, with hardly no international fame or reputation, is home to some of the world's most beautiful girls hands down. Drop-dead beauties roam the streets, & they're friendly too, can't beat that now can you?

 4. Bulgaria
Bulgaria may as well change its name to "Beautyland" as it is a proverbial theme park of beautiful women. Everything from dark hair to light, & from bright eyes to well brighter eyes. Bulgaria is filled with amazing women all the way from the mountainous region of the capital Sofia to the beautiful beaches on the Black Sea coast.

 3. Russia
This list has pretty much read out as an Eastern European geography lesson, & with good reason. Slavic women are the most beautiful overall in the world, & Russia is the big leagues as far as Eastern Europe goes. The women here are not only beautiful, they're seductive. With one glance they can capture your heart, they look at you as if they know they could do anything in the world & you'd like it, & basically that's true.

 2. Argentina
Argentina is definitely the cream of the crop as far as Latin America, well really as far as the whole Western Hemisphere goes. Argentineans, specifically those of Buenos Aires are a people made up mostly of Italian migrants from the 19th & early 20th century, but I must say that they must have been migrants from Milan all with super model genes, because the people here are stunning.

 1. Sweden
Of course Sweden lands at the number one spot. How could it not, it's Sweden for goodness sake! The women here are so ridiculously beautiful that it's hard to breathe sometimes when in their presence. Blond hair, & bright eyes, personalities that are beautiful to match, what more could anyone ever ask for?


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